Monday, August 16, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

Ashlee and Justin brought the Reed Family Circus to town this weekend. We had so much fun!!! Friday we went to the Gateway Children's Museum and Temple Square. We also had a pizza picnic at Bountiful Park. Then "the girls" got to spend the night at Aunt Traci's.

We had our traditional scone breakfast at Dad's house on Saturday morning. Ty and Jess were in town for Heather's baby shower that afternoon, so we had a full house. We took all the kids to feed the ducks at Farmington Pond and then played for awhile at Farmington Park.

Saturday night, we had dinner at El Matador with my family and the Reeds. I'm sure the restaurant was excited to see us - 6 kids 6 and under and 8 adults on a Saturday night. But the kids were great and our waitress was a good sport!
So fun to see everyone! Come again. Soon. Life doesn't get any better than this.


  1. We had a blast, it was a whirlwind but it is ALWAYS good to see Aunt Traci and the rest of the Thomas clan. And really their not two better girls to wear pink tiaras than you and Izzy.

  2. This message is from Izzy, she needed to comment like mom did.

    oojojkjj;lbmk,;nl;n;l ,,.n,/ m,nmm...,,m,vbmmb.d yhhg7g
    i had so much fun!
    nvjjhvh98uuihvpvblpj]!mbjbjklkklvkvl1y jfi y;n vjnjgbjijvkjhjbgmlj ljk1bkpilo
