Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Neil Diamond Day!!!

Today is one of my very favorite days of the year. Happy Birthday Neil Diamond!

Thirteen years ago, Ashlee and Sara and I were driving to Centennial High on a Friday morning, trying to decide what to do after school. Then we heard on the radio that it was Neil Diamond’s birthday. Problem solved. That night we had our first Neil Diamond birthday party, complete with brownies, homemade cards, and some ring-and-run action.

Fast forward to 2010, where the Neil Diamond Birthday Club is still going strong. Over the years, our numbers have grown as new members are adopted in. We have celebrated with “The Jazz Singer,” Neil Diamond posters, tee shirts, pins, dollar bills, cakes, mugs and refrigerator magnets. The packages we’ve mailed back and forth from one end of the country to the other are amazing. I’ve even seen Neil live in concert. Twice.**

A strange tradition? Maybe. But over the years we have come to realize that it’s not really about Neil Diamond and his music… or even his sequined jumpsuits. (Even though the man IS an icon.) It’s about friendship and a special day we set aside to celebrate the little things that make us smile.

My favorite Neil Diamond memory that actually involves Neil Diamond happened at a concert in Salt Lake shortly after September 11th. Neil came out singing “Coming to America” as his opening number. Midway through the song, he said, “They say that music can heal. And I say, let the healing begin.” Does it get any better than that? No, it does not.

So do me a favor. Go download “Sweet Caroline” to your iPod. Blare the music and sing along as loud as you can. Shake your hips to all the “do-do-do’s.” This is mandatory! Enjoy. And be sure to let the healing begin.

**Disclaimer: While attending one Neil Diamond concert was obviously necessary, I do realize that two was probably crossing some sort of line of respectability. In my defense, my sister hadn’t been yet and I wanted her to experience Neil Diamond in concert before his age got the better of him. Someone had to go with her. That’s ok, right?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Few Firsts

I've done a couple of things for the first time this week:
  • First Dinner at Chipotle. (Very yummy.)
  • First Session at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. (Very neat. My family had been to the Open House together before this temple was dedicated, so it was nice to go again.)
  • First time I saw the movie "Clue." (I'm not going to lie to you. Any movie starring Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd is not going to be my favorite. But if you keep your expectations low going in, as I certainly did, it's actually quite enjoyable.)
  • First Lunch at Barbacoa. (Also very yummy.)
  • First Organ Lesson of the New Semester.
  • First time I blatantly told a non-family member that they needed to wear tan socks with tan pants and brown dress shoes. NOT white athletic socks.... It would seem that my uncontrollable need to buy people socks when I know their socks have holes in them has now extended to people who wear the wrong color or style of socks. I can't help myself. I should probably seek help.

Overall, not a bad week. I'm going to see what other "firsts" I can add in the next few days.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Saturday I drove to Manti and did a session at the temple. It was the first time I had been to the Manti Temple and I really enjoyed it. The drive was awesome too.
I was a little nervous about the directions I printed from Mapquest. There isn't a real address for the Manti Temple. It's just, and I quote, "on a hill in Manti." I was hoping I would just drive into Manti and see the temple on a hill in the distance. Guess what? That's exactly how it works. I guess when the town is small enough, you really don't need an address.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stress Relief

Last night I was glancing through the advertisement for community education classes that came with my mail. Under the heading for "Stress Relief" there were classes for yoga... and concealed weapons permits. I am more than a little concerned by this. I don't want to be around anyone who thinks that carrying a gun is a healthy way to relieve stress.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Highlights of 2009

Confession. I make my New Years Resolutions retroactively. Rather than use the first day of the year to make (beautiful but likely unattainable) goals for the future, I like to look back on the past year and think about my experiences. This is probably just my way of justifying my lack of self-improvement from year to year. But, in my defense, it’s tricky to know what the upcoming year will bring. And it never hurts to take a minute to reflect and be grateful for life’s lessons.

Here are some of my highlights from 2009:

* I graduated with my Masters degree in Reading and Literacy.
* I went to the Best Concert Ever with my sister-in-law, Heather. Long live Keith Urban.
* I moved into my own apartment, just for me. I have a garage!
* I bought a couch, a washer and dryer, a kitchen table, and a cozy reading chair.
* I maintained a healthy weight, give or take a few pounds.
* My nephews Tyler and Bryce had their first driving lessons in The Beast.
* I celebrated my sister’s 21st birthday in Wendover.
* I went to three new-to-me temples: Vernal, Draper and Twin Falls.
* I read the Book of Mormon in five months with my ward.

An Actual Resolution

In 2007, I actually made a New Years Resolution. My goal was to take care of my own car maintenance needs for the whole year. Not that I would actually repair my car myself… don’t be silly! But I was determined to drive my own car to the shop and talk to the mechanic myself when my car was having problems. Sadly, this was a lofty goal for me. I was very hopeful that nothing major would happen to my car until the year was over.

I still laugh about the first time I went to have my oil changed. When the oil change guy started asking me questions about the kind of oil that they used last time, I panicked and said, “I’m sorry. I have no idea. I have people that usually take care of these things for me.” I’m pretty sure I’m a legend at that particular Grease Monkey and that they still laugh at me every time I come in. That’s right – I’m the girl with people!

But I persevered and I have become a lot better about taking my car in for oil changes, brake repairs, and new tires etc. I even had the windshield wiper motor replaced all by myself, although I hesitate to brag about that one, since I’m the one who blew the dang motor out in the first place. And who knew that windshield wiper motors even existed? Certainly not me… until the morning I accidentally left my windshield wipers on and left my car sitting under a million pounds of snow while I went back inside to wait for my car to warm up. Live and learn.

So even if I usually cheat at New Years Resolutions, I did make one. Once. And I’ve tried my best to keep it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fiesta Bowl

I am a little behind on my blog posts. I guess Christmas and New Years can wait. But today is a good day to be a Boise State football fan.

Boise State 17, TCU 10.
Go Broncos!

Just a friendly reminder that TCU crushed BYU and the University of Utah this year. It does my little heart good.