Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sin City

I love summer! The past few weeks have been particularly fun, bouncing around from one weekend to the next. This weekend, my sister and I went to Las Vegas. We met up with my Aunt Patsy and Uncle Hal at the New York New York. (They claim they were in town for a conference Patsy was attending for work. Sounds suspicious to me.) We also were able to spend Sunday with Aunt Laree, who lives in Henderson. It was awesome.

In the picture above, it appears that I am working my magic powers and forcing the water to twirl around at my command. You should know that I couldn't ever get the dang thing to work. Tricia did - and I jumped in for the picture. That's just the way I roll.

M&M World. Some people go to Vegas to gamble or get really drunk and do stupid things. Not me. I go for the same reason I go just about anywhere: The Chocolate.

The roller coaster at New York New York. Tricia and I rode this Saturday night about midnight. It was really fun. I will say, however, that I am not as young as I used to be. It will be a sad day for me when I want to skip the roller coaster for the sake of my neck and shoulders. Luckily we haven't reached that day quite yet. But we're getting closer!

So Vegas in August is hot. Unbelievably, uncomfortably, way-too-freaking hot. Patsy, Biz and I discovered this the hard way by taking a mid-day stroll down the Strip. We ended up collapsing in a high-end mall with stores like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Luckily I was able to afford smoothies so we didn't die from heat exhaustion. Also luckily, we were able to get same-day tickets to see The Lion King at Mandalay Bay rather than go to the street show we had been planning to see before the heat got the better of us. The Lion King was amazing and I was so excited to be there with Patsy and Biz.
Sunday we spent visiting with Aunt Laree at The M Casino. I may or may not have won $16.31 playing the penny slots. Another great weekend adventure!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

Ashlee and Justin brought the Reed Family Circus to town this weekend. We had so much fun!!! Friday we went to the Gateway Children's Museum and Temple Square. We also had a pizza picnic at Bountiful Park. Then "the girls" got to spend the night at Aunt Traci's.

We had our traditional scone breakfast at Dad's house on Saturday morning. Ty and Jess were in town for Heather's baby shower that afternoon, so we had a full house. We took all the kids to feed the ducks at Farmington Pond and then played for awhile at Farmington Park.

Saturday night, we had dinner at El Matador with my family and the Reeds. I'm sure the restaurant was excited to see us - 6 kids 6 and under and 8 adults on a Saturday night. But the kids were great and our waitress was a good sport!
So fun to see everyone! Come again. Soon. Life doesn't get any better than this.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drivers Like Me

I would like you all to know that I got pulled over for the first time last night. (Well, the second time if you count the wave runner incident at Bear Lake where they thought I was an underage operator.) Illegal left turn into the right lane while I was turning onto 5th South from Main Street in Bountiful. No ticket, just a warning. I thought it was a really lame reason to get pulled over. But apparently, "drivers like me" cause thousands of accidents every year. Yep, I bet that's true.

Be safe out there.

Monday, August 2, 2010

When You Hear Tim McGraw

My friend Kelli and I went to see Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum in concert on Friday night. I don't know if you can tell by the giant smiles on our faces, but we were VERY excited to be there. Great music and a great night!

My favorite songs in the Lady A set were probably "Love Don't Live Here," "Slow Down Sister," and (of course) "Need You Now." And I really needed the shoes Hillary Scott was wearing. I just think she is super cute.

It would be hard to pick a favorite Tim McGraw song. Everything he does (from "Real Good Man" to "Live Like You Were Dying") is just classic Tim. But he's a fantastic performer and he sounded awesome live. I didn't want the night to end.