Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Some things that made me smile today.  #1:  Carly. The outfit is just working for her.

 #2:  Someone walked into my office and said "I just got off the phone with George Washington."  I guess my co-worker is looking to quote a new account called George Washington Academy.  But it's funnier to imagine that he gave GW a quick call on his cell.

 #3:  A couple of days ago, I got a text with this picture at 6:24 a.m.  Apparently Tyler likes corndogs for breakfast.  That makes me smile.  It also makes me a little sick to my stomach. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Aunt Traci Is Speechless

You're going to have to give me a minute to compose myself here.  This picture has melted my heart.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Carly Elaine Thomas

It gives me great pleasure to introduce my newest niece, Carly Elaine. Tay and Heather welcomed their second daughter Saturday, April 14, at 6:35 a.m.
She is 8 pounds and 20 inches and as pretty as can be. She shares her middle name with her Great-Grandma Flanders.

Because Carly was born on her Uncle Tyson's birthday, we talked about the name TyChelle. And her cousin Tyler liked the name Shelba. (Not a typo, the name is Shelba, not Shelby.) So Tay and Heather did consider the name TyChelle Shelba. But I'm glad they decided to go with Carly Elaine. This way, little Carly won't have to play basketball in the WNBA if she doesn't want to!!!

Right after Carly's first bath. I stayed with Lauren this weekend and we went up to the hospital Saturday afternoon so Lauren could meet her sister. I think they're going to be good friends. And I know Carly and I will be good friends.

Mom and baby are both tired and doing well. They are coming home today.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

We Are Family

I flew up to Seattle last weekend to spend some time with my Mom's family. My Aunt Laree's family was all in town for a birthday party on the other side of their family, so the Flanders Clan had a get-together on Sunday afternoon as well. A couple of pictures from the weekend.
The "Original" Cousins. Apparently nobody told me we were going for a cool Pacific Northwest vibe. I look a little Utah in this picture. Oh well! At least I'm not short.

Cousins and their spouses and their older kids (the second and third generations). I would like to invite my Dad and siblings to identify everyone in this photo.

My cousin's kids. I can name about half the kids. That's good, right?