Friday, December 19, 2014

Seattle Trip

Spent a quick weekend in Seattle in early December to visit the family. When I asked Jason what was on his "must do" list in Seattle, his only item was to go by the stadium. So here we are at Seahawk Stadium. As a side note, I successfully navigated from the airport, to the train, to the stadium, to the waterfront, to the train, and back to the airport without any problem. Which was a major victory for me. And Jason - and Biz - who were both justifiably worried about my ability to get around in a big city.
For months, I had been telling Jason about the waterfront and Ivar's and Ye Olde Curiosity Shop. I had really set this trip up as a visit to my childhood. So you can imagine my dismay (followed by my hysterical laughter) when we got to the waterfront and it was.... completely closed. Silly me. I didn't think to google "the Seattle waterfront" and see if it was closed for construction. Can you close the waterfront? Apparently you can. At least we got to walk over to Pike's Place and watch the guys throw the fish.
And it was still a beautiful night in Seattle. Even if we had to eat hamburgers in the one place that wasn't completely shut down.

Apparently I don't have any pictures from the family gathering on Saturday. We all look pretty much the same as the last few times we've been together.

Finally, we went to the airport plenty early so we could eat at Ivar's. It's not the same as being on the water surrounded by overfed seagulls. But it's still the best fish you'll ever eat.
Until next time, Seattle!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Muppets and MoTab

The thing I love best about Temple Square at Christmastime is that it's subtle. Never glitzy or overdone. Like this tastefully decorated tree at the Joseph Smith Building. You can see that less is definitely more.
In all seriousness, however, the Tabernacle Choir's Christmas Concert was magical this year. I don't know who came up with the idea to have the Muppets as the special guests, but it was brilliant. Bird Bird directing the choir, Elmo reporting live from Temple Square - it was a really fun show. The only thing we needed was Linda to sign during "Keep Christmas With You All Through the Year."

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Giving Thanks

I was having a hard time deciding when I should travel to Idaho over Thanksgiving weekend, until Ashlee told me that her girls were dancing in the Festival of Trees on Friday afternoon. And then I knew that I needed to be in Boise by 2:30 in the afternoon on Friday. Decision made. I danced at the Boise Festival of Trees a time or two myself back in the day, so I had a really good time watching the girls perform with their Irish dance group. Note: I really want to do Irish dancing. Like really bad.
Another highlight of the Idaho trip was getting these two ready to go swimming in the hotel pool. Neither wanted to wear the swimsuit that actually fit them so we switched it up and Lauren wore a suit that was too small and Carly wore a suit that was too big. They were pleased as punch. You can't argue with those smiles. Or I can't anyway.
You can always tell when Uncle Aaron is in town because Bryce is sporting a mohawk. I really don't know who put Aaron in charge of hair.
Tyler's baptism day was Saturday!!! Can't believe he's so big. He loved his new white towel with his name on it.
 Happy day all around.