Saturday, May 11, 2019


I should have been sad that Dahlia chose to hide the eggs for her younger cousins this year instead of wanting to look for eggs herself. But to be honest - it was great having her do all the work. New tradition!

We had a fun little Easter egg hunt with pizza (naturally) on one of those deceptively nice-looking but actually freezing April days. And don't worry - I did cook an actual ham (with funeral potatoes even!) on Easter Sunday.

Meanwhile, in Idaho, Biz and Dad found their Easter baskets in Ty's laundry room. Perfect! I don't have pictures of our family with their Easter baskets this year. Back in March, Utah was hit by a couple of earthquakes and we decided with the kids that the Easter Bunny should bring 72-hour kits to our house this year. Which the kids were totally on board with - in March. Not so much on Easter morning, which I knew would happen. But we did have candy and gift cards to their favorite stores in addition to the emergency preparedness backpacks. So I feel like the Easter Bunny should get some points for that.

Other, cooler, families had better luck with their baskets.

And my Aunt Jilene sent me the best Easter gift of all - pictures from Easters past. Love these! 

Easter means more to me as a tired, middle-aged woman than it ever did as a kid. 

"He Lives - and while He lives I'll sing."

Hoop Dreams

Rounds 1 and 2 of March Madness were in Salt Lake this year, so Tyler and Bryce got to spend some of their spring break with Grandpa. 

Mickey wasn't super interested in attending until he saw the pictures of Bryce and Tyler eating ice cream. And then he was more open to it. We enjoyed the games - and the hamburgers, nachos, ice cream and gelato etc. Apparently I didn't take any pictures of us at the games. 

But I did get one with Mickey and the brothers.

And.... We're Back

Sometimes I feel like blogging. And sometimes I don't. It's like they say, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Thank you, blogging world, for not throwing a fit.

So, what's happening? The first thing you should know is that IT'S SPRING! We have flowers in our yard. Dahlias even. And it's lovely.

Also, the Jazz are out of the playoffs. Which is sad for some people. And really kind of a relief for others.

And my nephew Theo continues to live the dream.

That's the basic gist of things. I'll try to do a couple of other catch-up posts. But you're more or less up to speed.