Thursday, June 27, 2013

Make a Wish

You may know that I have been volunteering with Make a Wish this past year.  I got involved after a colleague (am I old enough/cool enough to have colleagues?) showed me some pro bono work he was doing for a non-profit and I was motivated to do some volunteer work as well.  I chose Make a Wish because they are a solid organization that supports children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.  More than that, the kids are fantastic and there is something magical about sharing in their wishes.

If you're wondering what "my wish" would be, I'm pretty sure I would have to go with singing back-up for Neil Diamond in Central Park.  But honestly, spending time with kids who have serious medical conditions and their families has been very rewarding in and of itself.  Their next big event is the 25th Anniversary of the Rubber Ducky Derby.  To learn more, or to sponsor a $10 ducky and participate in the race, you can follow this link.  (I think.  I'm not fantastic at technology.)    Or ask me with questions.  Thanks.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Classic Primary Quote

Before church on Sunday, I was visiting with a friend who just returned from a trip-of-a-lifetime visit to Israel.  One of my six-year old Primary kids joined the conversation and I asked if her parents or grandparents had ever been to Jerusalem.  Her reply?  "No, we like Lake Powell."

Awesome.  But so not the same.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

So Frustrating

You know when you don't want to buy a turquoise sweater and the stores are full of them everywhere you go?  And then you decide you really do need a turquoise sweater to go with a certain outfit and you can't find one anywhere?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wonders Never Cease

I made orange rolls last night.  And today I am wearing a hodgepodge outfit involving leggins, a paisley dress and a white cardigan.  I had - wait for it - cowboy boots on with the dress until I decided it would be much too warm in June. 

You do a lot of things in life that you think you will never do.  You do some things you think are too hard or you're not capable of doing.  You do some things you really don't want to do but, ultimately, you don't have much of a choice.  You do some things because, well, why not?  It might not be horrible.

I guess I'm learning you don't always get what you want.  But if you try your best to make every day worthwhile... even if sometimes you fail...  overall you do ok.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Highlights

* So apparently The Beast qualifies as a "vintage vehicle" now.  I asked my Dad if it cost extra.  It does not.  It actually costs $10 a year to register a vintage vehicle and you don't have to pass emissions anymore.  Which helped the fancy license plate to make more sense to me.

* I love teaching primary.  One of my kids has started calling me Mrs. Traci, which I find to be hilarious.  I never know he's talking to me!  My favorite moment on Sunday came when the Primary President told the kids we had a special visitor coming to teach us the words to "I Am a Child of God" in German.  One of my kids said, "President Uchtdorf is coming to teach us German?" and set off an unparallelled wave of excitement in the junior primary.  Fortunately Brother McKee from the ward (who had actually come to teach us German, in President Uchtdorf's absence) got a good kick out of that.

* Happy Fathers Day to my Dad and brothers!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Who's In Charge Here?

Got a call from the nephews last night... at a time I would normally expect them to be in bed.  They were eager to talk about their visit to the ice cream shop and the M&M cookies they were eating.  There was also something about donuts and fudge.

Jess is going to be thrilled when she gets back from Girls Camp.  Just thrilled.  But I suppose she can't be too surprised, knowing that she left these five on their own for a couple of days.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Online Dating At Its Finest

People sometimes accuse me of making up my dating stories.  I really don't.  If I were going to make up dating stories, they would involve a rich and handsome man flying me to Hawaii for the weekend.  Not emails such as the following.  (Which I promise I did not make up.)

"Hello. I live with a woman who won't marry me and wants to see other men, but we share a mortgage so I'm sort of stuck. Given this, would you consider having lunch with me sometime?"
- 66 year man in SLC

No, NO I will not have lunch with you.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy National Donut Day

A co-worker just brought me a warm donut.  Which is just what I needed on a Friday afternoon at 2:15.  I am ready for the weekend now.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Did You Ever Think I'd Post a Picture Of The Duke On My Blog?

June is historically my busiest month at work.  This year promises to be no different.  I've adopted a new motto for the month.  I think it will get a lot of use around my office.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Love This Kid

Lauren's dad asked her what she saw during a visit to Temple Square.  I think Tay was looking for responses like "the temple, water, flowers" etc.

Her answer: Aunt Traci.  That's right Lauren.  I am the #1 attraction at Temple Square.  And don't you forget it. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Amen To That

Saturday night I had Panda Express for dinner.  I didn't get around to eating my fortune cookie until Sunday.  It's a good thing.  This is a fortune I can get behind.

Do I Ask For Too Much?

Once in my life I would like to go on a date where choosing an outfit and getting ready was not the highlight of the night.