Sunday, June 16, 2019

An Explanation

This is why we can't have nice things.  For reals.  Because my sister and I never fail to end up with THE SAME nice things.  What makes it worse is that after we narrowly escaped a navy blue-striped disaster at Celtic Woman, we both wore Bob Ross tee shirts (not pictured) to Sunday dinner the very next day. The odds of that happening have to be very small. Incredibly small.

Memorial Day

 "Blogging is the power to gather roses in the winter."
Or something like that.

We had a fun kick off to summer with burgers and ice cream at DQ.....

Followed by a visit to the cemetery....

Followed by fondue (naturally)....

And Biz and I finished things off with a "bucket list" performance by Celtic Woman. 
They were better even than I thought they would be - and I thought they would be pretty great.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sixth Grade Graduation

Nothing is more bittersweet to me than a sixth grade graduation. Sure, you're excited for the kids and all they've accomplished.  You love taking the classic daddy/daughter photo.  But deep down, you'd rather keep them in the relative safety of elementary school forever than send them off to (gulp) junior high. But if anyone can tackle it, it's fun-spirited, kind-hearted, up-for-anything Dahlia. She'll do great.

I was wearing the same dress as not one but two of the sixth grade graduates. I really wanted to ask the girls for a group picture, which would have been more embarrassment than Jason could take. But he surprised me as we were leaving by staging this photo opp where we could at least get a picture of me with one of the girls and no one was any the wiser. He's the best. And he will also completely understand that I need to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe - because apparently I dress like a sixth grader. And this is one of my favorite dresses!

World's. Worst. Service.

We were in Farmington on a Saturday and decided to run to Culver's for lunch. Horrible mistake. The lines looked a little long when we got there, but they took our order real quick. And then the real fun began. We waited for our food for twenty, and then thirty, and then forty, and then fifty, and then sixty minutes before it arrived.  We were all getting antsy and Tay may or may not have threatened to take Ethan up to lick the manager until we got our food. And, yes, you read that right. Ethan's in a bit of a licking phase right now and why get angry with a "fast food" manager when you can let your four year-old son lick them instead. Good thing this group is such good company and such great sports.  I love Culver's cheese curds, but they're certainly not worth waiting an hour for.  Ever.

My favorite part of this story is that there were cars in the drive thru line when we got to Culver's who were STILL in the drive thru line when we left. So it's not like they were whipping people through the drive thru either. It was just plain bad.

Top Golf

We've been wanting to go to Top Golf for a while, and it did not disappoint. We all liked putting - but we really liked THE FOOD. 

You have your own private bay where you can order, say, wings, pizza and donut holes. The donut holes were my favorite because they came with this little syringe thing where you could inject your own filling, like chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, straight into the donut hole. Super fun and super healthy. I think Jason would gladly go there every night.

The Hills Are Alive

Mick and Dahlia have been taking voice lessons this spring and we enjoyed a beautiful outdoor recital on a sunny Saturday in Mapleton.

The song selections were Taylor Swift for Mickey and a song from Disney's Tangled for Dahlia.

Although I think Dally might have found her true passion as a fake opera singer after the recital.

All the kids did a great job.