Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Rooney Tunes

Remember the dog I don't like? The one who came with the husband and kids I do like? Well, not only does he have couch privileges that he does not deserve - he also insists on being right here, just like this, when I have a jammies and Netflix night. (Which, let's be honest, is nearly every night.) It's like he genuinely doesn't get that I don't like him. Poor thing.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Old Nauvoo

Technically, I wasn't on this family trip. Although I wanted to be. The pictures, however, are too cute not to share.
 The Brothers - At Night

These two. Tanner takes a piece of his blanket to school with him because he misses his Kami Kate. Not entirely sure if she misses him too - or if school hours are the one part of her day where she's comfortable she won't be dropped. But I sure love this picture.

A lot of pictures of a lot of families have been taken in front of the Nauvoo Temple. But this may be my favorite one.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Where R U?

I know everyone wishes they could be married to me. Here's a pretty typical text conversation between me and Jason. Keep in mind - it would take about an hour to drive from his work to my work.

Me: My mouse needs a new battery and I can't figure out how to open it. How quickly can you get here?

Jason: Might be a bit.

Me: It's like you don't even care about me. LOL

Jason: Lol I wish I could help.

Me: YouTube is not working.

Me Again: Should I spend my whole day on this?

Jason: Yes hehe

I just might.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Peached Out

When you've been canning peaches for 8 weeks straight (bottles, jam, salsa - you name it) and someone sends you a lovley gift. Of fresh peaches.

It's gotten to the point at our house that Dahlia made this observation about the cold storage room in the basement. "It's cool because, you know how some people collect wine? We collect peaches." I think our peach cellar could be the new wine cellar.