Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Some Favorite Fathers

One of my favorite Father's Day traditions is inviting a large group of people to do something on Saturday so that my Dad can pay for everything. This year, we went to Sizzler.


Jason got a double dose of Father's (Satur)Day with breakfast at Cracker Barrel and lunch at Sizzler. He also learned how fun it is to have your kids post their favorite pictures of you on Instagram as a special Father's Day surprise. He didn't even know this picture existed. But we all know now!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Family Fun in the Summer Sun

Here's a catch-up post with some pictures I keep meaning to put up....

Dahlia loves playing catch with Jason. And vice versa.

 Brycie had a birthday!

Carly is a Kindergarten graduate!

Ethan is a self-proclaimed "bad cat." Is there any other kind?

Dahlia introduced her cousin to the joys of jumping on the trampoline with a sprinkler underneath.

Theo ate spaghetti and loved it.

We were dog-sitting for a week (add that to the list of phrases I never thought I'd say) and Rooney and Chester insisted on sleeping on the same couch at night. The people couch - not either of the two dog beds that were so generously provided for their sleeping pleasure. I think they both wanted to make sure the other one wasn't sneaking around eating bacon (Rooney's favorite) or hot dog buns (Chester's preferred snack) during the night.

Mick made the cutest cake for his cousin Val's birthday. 

And finally, another "oldie but goodie" that I just had to post somewhere. Mick, Dahlia, and their cousin, Caprie. I love seeing old pics of the kids that were taken before my time.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Sunday Dinner

Many things about this picture make me cringe.

1) That the tator tots aren't more evenly spaced.

2) That my piece (hold the tots) is not square.

3) That I've known Jason for 4 years and I just barely learned he and the kids love tator tot casserole. No peas, no onions, no green beans - just ground beef, cream of mushroom, and cheese.

But I'm glad they liked it. And, not surprisingly, Rooney did too.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Wheeler Farm

I keep a list in my phone of fun things to do when we have a free Saturday. It rarely gets used. But this weekend we had a Saturday afternoon where we could do something from The List. We were watching Jason's two year-old niece for the afternoon, so we decided to take her to Wheeler Farm. (Which is something I've wanted to do with the kids, but they thought they might be too old for, so we compromised and took a two year-old with us.) Which turned out to be a pretty good solution.

Val is right at the age where she likes to play, "What does the cow say?" It was pretty funny watching her try to match up the "oink oink" she thought the pigs should be making with the grunts the pigs were actually making. She kept everyone at the farm very entertained. Most of the afternoon went like this:

Mickey: "Val, what does the sheep say?"

Val, looking at Mickey, the sheep, and them back to Mickey, "Baaaaah. Say baaaaaah, sheep."

Wild applause. Repeat. We should have charged admission, because she was pretty cute.

We ended the adventure with "the big kids" taking a turn to milk Abby the cow. Mick wasn't sure about it, but Dahlia decided she wants to have a farm when she grows up, complete with chickens, a red barn, a tire swing, and cows that sleep in so she doesn't have to get up too early to milk them. 

She was very clear that she wanted a farm with lazy cows. It's good to have dreams.