Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Less Than A Year Behind Schedule

I've been meaning to post this picture since October (2016) when we went to Disneyland. So I'm only 10 months behind schedule. I wish I could say the same for the rest of my life goals.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Tabernacle Organ Exhibit

Since my workplace is a popular tourist destination, I admit I've learned to refuse to make eye contact with visitors when I'm walking on Temple Square at lunchtime so I don't have to take pictures of them. (This could be a full time job in and of itself. Thought: the Church should probably assign some Temple Square missionaries to be "volunteer picture takers" and start talking to people that way. Or maybe they already do, I don't know.) But I do have the advantage of being downtown and I try to visit new exhibits at the museums and libraries when I can.

I was so glad I took the two minute walk to the Church History Museum on a lunch break last week to see their "Celebrating 150 Years" exhibit feauturing the Tabernacle Organ. There are some neat instruments and artwork on display - and you can choose to watch and listen to videos of current Tabernacle Organists playing classical pieces. Well worth a quick lunch time trip to the museum.  

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

More Fun At Yellowstone

Mickey's position of triumph on the paddle board is one of my favorite pictures from the trip. It just about sums it all up. 

I could literally sit in a deck chair and stare at this view all day.

Or at least a pretty good slice of the morning, with a slight breeze and the birds chiriping and looking for fish for their breakfast. Beautiful and serene and peaceful.

No one could really accuse Ethan and Kami Kate of being peaceful and serene - but there is a certain beauty to their interactions. Until Kami Kate takes something important like a tiny rock Ethan had in his pile and life as we know it comes to a catastrophic end. 

Luckily, there was much to distract us from the worries (and toddler squabbles) of every day life. 

Like the lake

The buffalo at Yellowstone

Old Faithful

Games with the cousins

And the Torgerson traditional root beer freeze at Frostop

And then we're back to the lake, possibly my favorite distraction. It's so hard to leave when you can wake up every morning with a panoramic view of a quiet lake. Can't wait until my Dad buys this cabin. Oh whoops. I may have just ruined a Christmas surpirse. Wink, wink.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Island Park is a Happy Place

There's just so much to love about Island Park.

There are quiet moments for a Dad and his daughter.

Lots of time for family fun on the water.

Four wheeler rides around the island loop.

Quality time for reunited sisters.

And plenty of adventures (and taxi rides) for cousins in boats and on paddleboards.

More to come.... 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Where Were You?

Some events are so momentous (like the JFK assassination or the Challenger explosion or the OJ "verdict") that you always remember where you where when it happened. I was at my desk in the Church Administration Building when the email went out that female employees of the Church could now wear pants to work. It really hasn't been that long since women had to wear nylons or stockings to work here, so this was a huge step forward. I even took a picture of my first day outfit. Yay for pants!

Jason and I took a quick trip to Wendover this weekend to see Diamond Rio in concert. Of course, my favorite was "Meet in the Middle" and I also loved "One More Day." They sounded really great live.

Dahlia got to spend Saturday night with her aunt who has a POOL at her apartment complex. This girl loves to swim.