Thursday, April 26, 2018

Soccer, SpaceBurgers, and Sunscreen

I applied my first sunscreen of 2018 in Pocatello, where Tidy and Brycie were playing in a soccer tournament. (Note to self: Tidy and Brycie prefer to be called Tyler and Bryce when you're cheering for them from the soccer sidelines.) I spent many Saturdays watching Ty play soccer while we were younger, so it was especially fun to watch the boys play. 

Bryce could not be more like his Dad, and Tyler has a fantastic left kick even though he's right handed.

For lunch, we headed to a Pocatello classic, the Tastee Treet, where some of us enjoyed the SpaceBurgers the Tastee Treet is known for - and some of us ate our plain cheeseburgers and ice cream and took pictures of other people eating SpaceBurgers.

The problem with the grilled cheese SpaceBurger is that it's a little light on the cheese. The other thing we were light on at lunch was fry sauce. (Another note to self: $1 buys A LOT of fry sauce at the Tastee Treet.) We all agreed it was too bad Heather and Jess were not with us to enjoy the ambiance.

Meanwhile, Jason and the kids were at home on Saturday working in the yard and being chased by Rooney anytime the hose was on. So nice to have some warm weather for a change. We were ready!

Friday, April 20, 2018

End of an Era

A couple of weeks ago, Jason's Grandma Elaine (aka Grandma Great) sold her house in West Valley. She had lived there over 50 years, so it was a hard move, but a good one. She is now living in condo across the hall from one of her daughers. The same daughter who was with her when she fell at the Trax station on the way to a Jazz game a couple of weeks before these pictures were taken that feature Grandma Great's impressive black eye. So I'm not entirely sure about the supervision. Kidding. Grandma Great was fine from the fall and was really only mad she missed part of the first quarter. Go Jazz!

Anyway, before the new owners came to get the keys, the Torgerson family got together for a quick trip down memory lane.

Jason with 3 of his 4 siblings. And Theo. Because everyone loves Theo.

 The group who was able to come say goodbye to the house.

And maybe my favorite picture from the night because, (1) I'm not in it and (2) you can just feel the fun of Elaine's house.

We finished the night with dinner at El Rancho, where the service was remarkably slow until Grandma Great joined the party late and everyone realized Who We Were. Apparently, Elaine's a regular. We'll use her name the next time we decide to eat Mexican food in West Valley.

Barbara Bush (1925-2018)

Other people have said it, but I want to say it too. I really admire and respect Barbara Bush and her contributions as a strong wife and mother, as well as a champion of children's literacy. The class and grace we're missing on the national scene today? She had it, and I'm grateful.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Bring It

Revelation? United Priesthood quorums? Increased Relief Society and Young Women awesomeness? Better ways to minister to others? A temple in India? I say bring it on.

Except, don't call Church HQ for at least a month. Because we don't know anything either.

Also... did you hear the one about the temple in Russia?

Me Thinking About Going to Work Today

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It's a Ruff Life

Two things you should know.

1) This is my reading spot.
2) Rooney has no intention of moving and/or sharing this spot.