Friday, February 23, 2018

Onward Pioneer

After 38 years of working for the LDS Church, mostly in Welfare Finance, my Dad is retiring today. It's a happy sad day for me. I'm excited for his next chapter and I know he will continue to practice religion in its purest form to the highest degree of efficiency and accuracy.

BUT - who is going to bring me pie at work, drive me home if I have a migraine, or help me assemble the department Christmas tree stand?

His boss may think he is irreplaceable. But his daughter knows he is.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy Valentines Birthday, Part 2

I love Dahlia's hot air balloon "Valentine box." I don't love how grown up she looks in this picture.

My cute birthday buddy and his number shirt. He specifically requested a cake with panda bears wearing sweaters. I'm so glad he has parents who can make that dream a reality. I do one cake design, and it's the "dirt cake" pictured just a couple of posts below. Panda bears wearing sweaters is not something I could/would even try to do.

And a picture collage from Facebook that I called "birthday blessings." Happy day.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Birthday!

Happy Valentines Birthday to me and Ethan and Happy Valentines Day to the world. 
Valentines are the best. I'm so glad they come in all shapes and sizes.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Lucky 13

Mick turned (ugh) 13 last week. Jason was really cute and made a double-decker chocolate cake. Unfortunately, he was also in a rush to watch the Utah basketball game and he frosted the cake while it was still warm. He texted me later to see if I could "pick up some white frosting and maybe fix the cake." Uh oh. I wish I had a "before" picture of the cake, because I really can't do justice to its crumbly mess brokenness. But a little frosting, a lot of crushed Oreos, and some strategically placed gummy snakes later - I actually thought it looked cute. And it tasted great.

As part of the birthday festivities, we did a scavenger hunt at a local shopping center that I won't name because apparently you're not supposed to do your own scavenger hunt there - they prefer you to buy their carefully crafted scavanger hunt instead. But we did ours (shhhh) and the kids got to pick out treats from the candy store as their treasure. Jason, of course, was most excited about the candy cigarettes. His neice in Pennsylvania got candy cigarettes while she was out trick-or-treating one year and Jason has been teasing her about her smoking habit ever since. So we had to pose for a picture.

And finally, a bonus pic of Theo, who sat up for the first time at MY house because, clearly, he likes ME best.

Hello? Is This Matt Damon?

So I'm waiting at the Trax station and a pay phone (which I've never noticed before) starts ringing. And of course I want to answer it. Because I've always wanted to be in a Jason Bourne movie and it seems like answering this call may be my best shot. It has to be Matt Damon calling, right?