Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Is it cute to be a Daddy's Girl at 35?

I put up the department Christmas tree on a slow afternoon. What would I do if my Dad didn't work in the building to assemble the tree stand? No really. What. Would. I. Do???



Friday, November 7, 2014

Favorite Aunt Traci's Favorites

The highlight of Halloween for me this year was when these five had returned from trick-or-treating. One member (who shall remain nameless, Mr. Bryce) stripped off his costume in about 2 seconds flat and sat in the living room in his unders shoveling candy into his mouth until he was discovered. Just about anything goes at Grandpa's house. You want to eat candy in your underwear in the living room? Go for it!

A Happy Day

Saturday, November 1st was a special day for our family. We were all able to be in the temple together.
One brother wore a suit jacket for the occassion. But the other brother actually gave me a side-hug. So I'm giving them both points.
 The Girls. All appropriately dressed. (As usual.)
And finally - here's a shot of a group of people who should never pose for a picture together.