Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day

I just saw an article on MSN spotlighting the "12 Hottest Redheads Of All Time" in honor of St. Patricks Day. Of course I had to click on. I wasn't expecting to make the list. But I also wasn't expecting to see Lindsay Lohan and Conan O'Brien. Conan??? Sure, he's funnier than me. But I don't really think you can say he's better looking than me... or almost anyone. Yes, you can argue that I am posing with a small child here and that definitely ups my cuteness factor. But even still. Conan as one of the 12 hottest redheads of all time? That's a little much for me.


  1. Tay and I very much enjoyed this blurb. I DEFINITELY know you're much better looking than Conan. :)

  2. Agreed!! You should have made the list over him!
