Monday, March 22, 2010

Mile Marker 237

While on the road, I met up with Tricia and Heather at the infamous Idahome Road. (Pronunciation Guide: i-DA-ho-mey) My sisters happened to be making the trek back from Wendell at the same time I was headed that way. We met on a dirt road just off the freeway across from a mailbox literally in the middle of nowhere. While waiting there, I realized that the surroundings were perfect if I ever wanted to record a country music album and needed a photo for the cover. (That's just the way my mind works.) Also, I happened to be inappropriately overdressed since I had played the organ in the Tabernacle earlier that morning. Since we were already in the neighborhood, I had Heather and Tricia take a few shots. Now when I make my country music debut, I will already have the cover photo AND the name of my album: Mile 237. That is a tremendous weight off my mind!

Road Trip Recap

Preparing for the journey to Wendell. Like the good sister/aunt that I am, I try never to go anywhere without a batch of freshly baked cookies.

While in town, I chased my favorite little boys around the house, the park, and the church. A highly successful visit.

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Saturday morning I got to play the Tabernacle Organ. The class I am taking through the University of Utah took a "field trip" there. We got to take the behind-the-scenes tour of the 11,000 pipes that make up the organ. It's amazing.

When it was my turn, I played Bach's "Prelude in F Major." Not well, but that's ok. It was incredible experience just to walk up on the stage and pretend like I belonged there. I was also really excited to see all the daffodils in the floral arrangements around the Tabernacle pulpit that day. Daffodils are my Mom's favorite flower. I guess my Bach Prelude was an early Mothers Day present to her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day

I just saw an article on MSN spotlighting the "12 Hottest Redheads Of All Time" in honor of St. Patricks Day. Of course I had to click on. I wasn't expecting to make the list. But I also wasn't expecting to see Lindsay Lohan and Conan O'Brien. Conan??? Sure, he's funnier than me. But I don't really think you can say he's better looking than me... or almost anyone. Yes, you can argue that I am posing with a small child here and that definitely ups my cuteness factor. But even still. Conan as one of the 12 hottest redheads of all time? That's a little much for me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Jury Duty

I just received a "juror qualification form" in the mail. I may or may not be called up for jury duty sometime in the next 3 months. There were two things that made me laugh when I saw this form in my mailbox.

Funny Item #1) Somehow, the County Clerk's office has me in their computer with a middle name of James. Traci James. I kind of like it. Or maybe I should go by TJ. Which do you like better?

Funny Item #2) I actually sat on a jury once. I was about 19. It was a civil case involving medical payments for a slip-and-fall at a grocery store. But that's beside the point. My strongest memory from the trial is that one of my fellow jurors was a very nice looking young man about my age. I remember thinking that jury duty would make a great "how we met" story. Unfortunately, it's been 10 years now and he never called. So that's probably not going to happen. But maybe I will have better luck this time around.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cell Phone Favorites

Do you know what I love? Pictures taken on cell phones! Here are some of my favorites. It's possible that I have been asked to delete some of these. I'm sure I did delete them... from my phone. However, it's possible that I forgot to delete the copies I saved to my computer. Whoops. I hate it when that happens.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quality Time

Saturday morning I got my haircut, then decided to make a surprise visit to Logan. I spent the afternoon with my sister browsing kids books at The Book Table, followed by lunch at The Bluebird and a quick yet highly productive trip to the Cache Valley mall.

Sunday night, I found myself curled up on the couch under a blanket reading "The Secret Garden" and eating cinnamon toast. I also made some hot chocolate. With marshmallows! I like weekends.