Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Highlights of 2009

Confession. I make my New Years Resolutions retroactively. Rather than use the first day of the year to make (beautiful but likely unattainable) goals for the future, I like to look back on the past year and think about my experiences. This is probably just my way of justifying my lack of self-improvement from year to year. But, in my defense, it’s tricky to know what the upcoming year will bring. And it never hurts to take a minute to reflect and be grateful for life’s lessons.

Here are some of my highlights from 2009:

* I graduated with my Masters degree in Reading and Literacy.
* I went to the Best Concert Ever with my sister-in-law, Heather. Long live Keith Urban.
* I moved into my own apartment, just for me. I have a garage!
* I bought a couch, a washer and dryer, a kitchen table, and a cozy reading chair.
* I maintained a healthy weight, give or take a few pounds.
* My nephews Tyler and Bryce had their first driving lessons in The Beast.
* I celebrated my sister’s 21st birthday in Wendover.
* I went to three new-to-me temples: Vernal, Draper and Twin Falls.
* I read the Book of Mormon in five months with my ward.

1 comment:

  1. I would say you had a pretty dang good year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have loved sharing parts of your year with you too. I am probably the only one just a little sad that you finished your Masters degree. Now you can't come play at least once a month. Oh well I suppose I can be excited for you :) You know I am kidding, of course I am excited, it is a way big deal and you worked your tail off! Yipeeeee!
