Monday, April 24, 2017

No Place Like Idahome

Quick trip to Idaho this weekend. I'm so glad to have all my siblings (and by siblings I mean nieces and nephews) back within weekend driving distance. I made my first trip to the Twin Falls Library this weekend, and thoroughly embarassed myself, my family, and most of the librarians by my continued gushing over how awesome their children's section is. (They have a whole floor of the library for kids with a theater, and a writing station where kids can mail letters to their favorite book characters, and floor maps, and bean bag chairs, and toys, and a separate teen room - where I was thoroughly out of place.... You get the idea.)

Love this cute girl. I learned this weekend that she likes fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies just as much as her brothers do. Noted.

I think these two like each other more than a little bit.

 Same with these two.

It's possible one of the nephews (cough... Tyler... cough) refused to be in this picture because he was upset with the photographer (cough... Jess... cough). Something about the injustice of wearing glasses AND a red tie to church? 

So here's a bonus shot of Tidy from a few days before. He's sporting his "I just scored 6 goals in my soccer game" smile. Can't beat that.

And finally, something about the name of this road tickles my funny bone. Every. Single. Time. So on the drive back, I stopped to take a windblown selfie. Which would have been strange to anyone driving up the Ida-Homie Road on-ramp - if anyone had been.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Parade

We had a fun Easter weekend. Don't they clean up nice?

Saturday we had an Easter Egg hunt at the park. Ethan especially loved picking up eggs to put in his little basket. Mickey was excited to participate but was too embarassed to carry a "girly" basket at the park. I guess he is 12, after all.

We also celebrated Carly's birthday at Texas Roadhouse. I love how all of the kids have decided that Texas Roadhouse is their favorite place to go for birthday dinners. Carly specifically requested it because of the stickers and strawberry juice. I was surprised she was willing to sit up in the saddle.

Ty and Jess sent this pretty picture of their Easter princess on Sunday morning.

And I made these eggs for my primary class. Not to worry - I had eggs with candy for them too. (I teach 9 year-old boys. Showing up without candy on Easter would pretty much have been a death wish.) But I hope they caught at least a little bit of the true meaning of Easter in our lesson. Easter is probably the only holiday I appreciate more as an adult than I did as a kid.