Thursday, May 22, 2014

So Sweet

Flowers from a cute boy delivered to me at work? Yes, please!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Catching Up

Someone just asked me if I knew how they could get a ketchup stain out of their armpit.

I think the better question is what in the world were they doing that they got a ketchup stain in their armpit.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Boise or Bust

Made a quick trip to Idaho this weekend. Reason #1 was that I wanted to stop at the Garden of Eden gas station again. Seriously, I've made the drive from Salt Lake to Boise more times than I can count - how am I just barely finding out about this Travelers Oasis??? They have waterfalls and snakes and homemade fudge.It's tacky and quaint and it has clean restrooms. I love this place.
Reason #2 for the Boise trip was to participate in the Treasure Valley Diabetes Walk with my friend Ashlee and her little guy, Bryant. My nephews were excited to join "The Blue Team" and we really enjoyed our walk along the greenbelt.
These two may have enjoyed the walk a little too much. I do realize that Ty and Aaron are grown-ups with jobs and children now. But put them together and you just know they're plotting some sort of mischief.
 I really wanted this shot with my nephews. So lucky no one ended up in the pond!
The bad news is I left my flip flops in Mountain Home. And odds aren't good I'll ever see them again. Looking good, Mr. Bryce. Looking good.