I keep thinking I will get ambitious and blog about my birthday weekend. But it seems like maybe that ship has sailed. I had a birthday. I bought this outfit. It was fun.
Now onto other pressing items of business. I was invited to join the RIP Committee at work. (Resources, Initiatives and Priorities). I threw a little bit of a fit and refused to participate on any committee with such an ominous title. "The RIP Committee - where ideas go to die." At my insistence, the committee has now been renamed to the Priorities and Resources Committee (PRC). Which isn't great but it's a heck of a lot better. I feel like I've accomplished something at least during my time at the Church Office Building.
I also wanted to document that my primary class of 9 year-olds was really well behaved yesterday. We talked about the lesson, read from the scriptures, did some fun group activities, and made practical applications to our lives. I'm not optimistic that I will have another successful lesson with this particular group of kids again this year. (They're more of the "roll your whole body against the chalkboard to see how filthy you can get your black coat and pants" type of class.) So I wanted to be sure and get the fact that we did have one good lesson down in writing.