Monday, November 23, 2009

Life Is Good

I'm so thankful for my garage. Guess who didn't have to scrape their windshield on this semi-snowy Monday morning? Me! Life is good.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cultural Events

In the literature classes I took in college, we talked a lot about the distinctions between "high culture" and "low culture." I haven't really thought much about those lively debates until the last few days. If at all. But here are the events I have attended this week. Would you define them as high or low culture?

1) Organ recital at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
2) Utah/Utah State basketball game.
3) Midnight premiere of "New Moon." Because really, if you are going to see a movie about love-struck vampires, you should see it in the middle of the night with a bunch of crazy people.

High or low, I enjoyed them all. I hope your weekend is as good as my week has been!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Don't You Wish?

So I have been thinking about some tortillas I bought the other day at the store. The brand name was "Life Balance." Don't you wish it was that easy? You could make a quick trip to the store, pick up some tortillas and... drum roll please... suddenly you have achieved a balanced life. Sign me up for that plan.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tyler's Happy Day

  • Balloons? Check.
  • Grandpa? Check.
  • Aunt Biz? Aunt Mimi? Uncle Taylor? Aunt Traci? Check.
  • Video footage of Aunt Heather? (Who unfortunately was too sick to make the trip.) Check.
  • Mister Bryce? Check.
  • Mom and Dad? Check. Check.
  • Cha-Cha Cupcakes with White Frosting? Check.
  • Presents wrapped in tractor paper, soccer ball paper, Sponge Bob Christmas paper, and balloon paper? Check.
  • Opening the presents first thing... before breakfast or showers? Check.
  • Tonka Trucks, New Shoes, Shirts, Socks and Gloves, Thomas the Train, and Dr. Seuss Books galore? Check.

    Yep. We had everything we needed for a very happy day. Happy Third Birthday to Tyler!!!

    I don’t know if you know this about my nephew, but he is an amazingly gifted child. He can ride his razor scooter lightning fast. He can read “Go Dog Go.” He knows exactly how many muffins he can consume before he gets a tummy ache. And he knows that a stop sign is an octagon. Like I say, Tyler is very bright. And Bryce is brilliant as well! At only 17 months, he knows that Aunt Traci always has gum in her purse – and that I just can’t say no to his smile. Smart boys.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Idaho Joe's

If you are ever in Twin Falls on a Saturday morning, I highly recommend that you head to the breakfast buffet at Idaho Joe’s. My personal favorites were the bacon, the sausage, the fresh pineapple, the breakfast steak, the French toast, and the ribs. Good grief. That’s a lot of food. Maybe I’m coming down with the swine flu – I sure ate like a piggy.

Monkey Bizness

On Friday, my friend Ashlee and I were lucky and/or brave enough to take four cute kids to Monkey Bizness, an indoor park designed for little kids and big kids too. We bounced, we climbed, we zoomed down the giant slide. I don’t know who had a better time – the kids or their responsible guardians. Ashlee and I were glad we were the fun grown-ups who played on the toys instead of sitting on the benches and talking on cell phones. Plus, our two hours of play time was a way better workout than we ever get on the treadmill or at the gym. I’m so glad that we were able to celebrate Alena’s 6th birthday together. It was way more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I can’t wait to go again!

The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

I have furniture! I’m so excited! A huge “thank you” to my sister-in-law, Heather… who was kind enough to come to my apartment and let the furniture delivery boys in while I was out of town. She also vacuumed while she was there – which she was not authorized to do. There are some people you just can’t trust with your house key.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Observation

Today as I was driving into work, I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection on Highway 89. There was a little girl on a scooter (I’m guessing she was around 10) who obviously wanted to cross the street. She must have pushed the “walk” button on the traffic light 79 times in the 45 seconds I was watching her. She kept pushing that little button with all her might, mind and strength, then looking in complete frustration and disgust at the traffic light. You could just see the question on her face, “I’m pushing the button. Why isn’t the light changing?”

I wonder how often I’m like that in life. Wanting what I want and wanting it NOW. Not realizing that there are other factors in play here and that I might have to wait for the traffic light to complete its cycle before I can cross the street. I wonder if the Higher Powers That Be ever look at me and laugh. "You can keep pushing that button all you want. It’s not quite your time yet." I wonder.

Disclaimer: I know what you’re thinking! The above Life Lesson on patience does NOT apply to furniture stores and their 7 week wait times for a couch and loveseat. If you only remember one thing from reading this blog, remember this. NEVER BUY FURNITURE FROM FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ON ROAD REDWOOD. They will take your money, then abandon you to live out your cold, miserable, furniture-less existence alone.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Alphabet

It was my turn to write the "presidency message" for our Relief Society newsletter this month. Here is what I wrote...

Every November, my family does a little activity I like to call the “Attitude of Gratitude Alphabet.” I assign letters of the alphabet to each member of my family and before we begin dinner on Thanksgiving, we go around and everyone says something they are grateful for that begins with their assigned letter of the alphabet. (My family pretends they hate this tradition, but I know they secretly like it.) This year, I decided to make my own “Attitude of Gratitude Alphabet.” Here are my ideas.

Autumn, Babies, Car, Doughnuts, Education, Friends, Gospel, Health, Ice cream, Job, Kites, Laughter, Music, Nephews, Outlet mall, Parents, Quilts, Raspberries, Scriptures, Temples, U-Turns, Vacations, Washer & dryer, eXercise, Yahtzee and Zzzzzzz’s.

What are you grateful for?